Oct 2007


Bellowing towards the wagon’s wheel

My mind breathed in the momentous air

Following his mane towards the far-away den

I was away onto my safest abode.

He kept me cozy on a bitches trace

Patting with farce and taming fives

She gave me the world of safety and pride

Praising my skin and the beauty beneath.

The matron was sweet, she loved me dear,

Taking my chain and the money I kept

Helping me to sleep, she promised to come,

Tired and weak, I folded onto the bed.

Sunshine drew close and the cocks trumpeted

Night seemed wading towards another shore

He came in and caught my sleepy hair

Waking me to hell the midnights knell.

Boring me deep his manly stump

He tore me apart with devilish lust

Soaked in red, my virgin’s blood

Spitting its white, a venomous snake.

I knew not him, nor the serpents’ charm

Never did I exist, my emotions dead

Was that a dream? I never had lived!!

And I am at home, sleeping through time.

Minutes did pass and another came in

This time I fought with fingers and nails

Biting his arm, I was mashed to bed

Slicking into me an, another sword.

Dead and weak I crippled in bed

Cursing the moments I fell for him

Misery and shame dwindled at me

Crying beside me, perhaps in vain.

They bartered my youth, to many a hands

More of venom got drained into me.

Forty of those nights, I lay in blush,

Awaiting a Samaritan to get me home.

Moving in drains, my pitiful face

Yearns for solace, a simple smile,

Pointing to me a move gone wrong,

They call me a whore in gentlemen’s world.

Kavitha by : Mahesh
Email : maheshknair@mailcity.com

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