This article will introduce you to Java Server Faces, including the terminology, how to set it up, and using it in the real world.The event driven paradigm has been considered the forte of desktop applications for a long time. Though web applications have HTML to present the user with buttons and other familiar GUI elements, the developer has to work with the request-response paradigm. However, server-side development is slowly shifting towards the event driven paradigm. Frameworks are accelerating this shift by abstracting out the difficulties of constructing an event-handling layer over a request-response layer.

In the context of J2EE or JEE, the framework that is providing an event-based development platform is Java Server Faces, or JSF as it is popularly known. In this discussion I will be focusing on the basics of JSF. The first and second sections will cover the terminology associated with JSF. In the third section, I will enumerate the steps required for setting up the arena for JSF. In the last section I will implement a real world solution using JSF. That outlines the agenda for this discussion.

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