Encode all the data that application handles, so that injection of malicious HTML / scripts is not possible.
Jun 2015
Jun 2015
Encode all the data that application handles, so that injection of malicious HTML / scripts is not possible.
Mar 2015
Write test cases not only for valid conditions (i.e. for intended functionality) according to requirements but also for invalid conditions. This will cover expected as well unexpected behaviour of application under test.
Feb 2015
What cannot be achieved over a string of long-mails can be wrapped-up over a single meeting. This ensures saving time and efforts of all concerned.
Feb 2015
Well this sounds very general, but it is very important to follow in every process of software cycle like requirements gathering, analysis, documentation, designing, coding, testing etc., It is absolutely necessary to do it completely “the very first time itself” so that we can save efforts for better utilization.
Also known as: The simplest thing that could possibly work Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) Less is more You Ain’t Gonna Need It (YAGNI)
Feb 2015
While reviewing the requirements, focus on “how” the system need to be designed to address the user requirements. Focus on “how” to address the non-functional requirements that contribute to the quality, security, scalability and usability of the required system / product.
Feb 2015
Get your business analyst involved in each and every step of the project. To ensure product quality, say ‘No’ to incomplete requirements. Do not start the design and construction with incomplete requirements. Analysis has shown that highest number of bugs are due to incomplete requirements.
Feb 2015
Every commit should be a change from one stable state of the system to another stable state of the system, and should not represent more than two hours of work.
Feb 2015
Complete and unambiguous requirements are key to the quality of required product or service. Review the requirements Brainstorm on assumptions to eliminate risks Perform thorough impact analysis of the proposed solution
Feb 2015
SW is the SOW (Statement of Work) gatekeeper. Allow only quality and approved SOWs inside Software development workflow.