MAGIC #1 An Indian discovered that nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as “CON”. This is something pretty cool…and unbelievable… At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn’t answer why this happened! TRY IT NOW ,IT WILL NOT CREATE ” CON ” FOLDER MAGIC #2 For those of you using […]
Category: Non-technical
Oct 2007
Total Quality Means Having Your Act Together
article from October is “Quality” month and industry seems frantic to climb upon a bandwagon called Total Quality Management. It’s an old idea dressed up as the new cure-all for the economic woes of small business. I’m not against it — it makes good sense — concepts like: do it right the first time; […]
Oct 2007
How Total is Your Quality Management?
Notre Dame football coach, Lou Holtz, once observed “When all is said and done, a lot more is said than done”. Despite all the talk — passionate speeches, glossy brochures, clever ads, high tech videos, convincing sales pitches, snappy slogans, strategic plans, and solemn annual reports — the service and quality action delivered by most […]
Oct 2007
The Eight Elements Of TQM
article from Total Quality Management is a management approach that originated in the 1950’s and has steadily become more popular since the early 1980’s. Total Quality is a description of the culture, attitude and organization of a company that strives to provide customers with products and services that satisfy their needs. The culture requires […]
article from The work described in this case study was undertaken in a young, rapidly expanding company in the financial services sector with no previous experience with Total Quality Management (TQM). The quality project began with a two-day introductory awareness program covering concepts, cases, implementation strategies and imperatives of TQM. The program was conducted for […]
Oct 2007
Applying Total Quality Management In Academics
article from The concept of Total Quality Management (TQM) was developed by an American, W. Edwards Deming, after World War II for improving the production quality of goods and services. The concept was not taken seriously by Americans until the Japanese, who adopted it in 1950 to resurrect their postwar business and industry, used […]
Oct 2007
Rahman is a busy bee
A R Rahman is now going places. A busy composer in Tamil and Hindi, Rahman is now scoring music for Shekar Kapoor’s ‘Elizabeth- the Golden Age’, where he pairs up with Hollywood actor Craig Armstrong, he is very excited. ‘It has been really a wonderful experience working with Craig’, says Rahman. ‘We traveled a lot […]
Oct 2007
Sanjay Dutt’s freedom from jail to continue
MUMBAI: Actor Sanjay Dutt will enjoy a couple of days more outside jail as the TADA court on Friday did not hand him a copy of the judgement of his conviction in the arms possession case. Dutt, who was instructed by the Supreme Court to surrender before the court on the same day he gets […]
Oct 2007
Kolkata celebrates Mahastami
KOLKATA: Devotees on Friday thronged puja pandals across the state to offer obeisance to Goddess Durga as part of the auspicious Mahastami day, the second of the four-day festival. With sky clearing up after showers considerably dampened celebrations on Thursday, revellers chanted hymns of the Goddess as lakhs of people from near and afar made […]
Oct 2007 will be known in these names also
Hi.. Now I am having the following domains running for my site. It points to But I have added it for simplicity.